Translation: There is an easier way to get from Bilbao to Paris without tolls. The best routes are on Waze.

Waze + Tour de France

It’s not often that your personal interests overlap with your day job. As a self-professed cycling nut, you can understand how excited I was when I found out that Waze became an official sponsor of the Tour de France. The brief was to make a splash without much budget, and in the end I think we pulled it off. Our team came up with a great insight about how the Tour de France route is actually pretty ridiculous by any normal standard. As a navigation company, this insight became our message. What followed was a larger-than-life OOH campaign along the TDF route that was seen by countless fans on the road and around the world during the live broadcasts.

Role: Creative Lead @ Waze
Agency Partner: Buzzman Paris


Translation: Bilbao to Bilbao in 182 kilometers. Excuse me? The best routes are on Waze.

Translation: Who knew there would be so much traffic at Beaufort? Us. The best routes are on Waze.

Translation: The probability of being blocked by 176 cyclist in Issoire? - 100% The best routes are on Waze.

Translation: Uhh, is it the Tour de France or the Detour de France? The best routes are on Waze.

Translation: We know some people who’ll be in trouble in Bresse. The best routes are on Waze.

Translation: Since when does Bilbao to Paris go through Moutiers? The best route is on Waze.